The tree archive
Welcome to the Tree Archive.
At Paisley Experience, we go above and beyond to make sure our visitors form a connection with their food like never before. We believe one should be in touch with their surroundings and the sources of their sustenance. Walk around and try spotting the trees you find in the Archive, at Paisley Experience. Feel free to ask us about the flora too.
The Tree Archive is a work in progress and we will be adding more documented trees soon!
Mango often referred to as the king of fruits was also seen as a symbol of prosperity in ancient India. Therefore these trees were planted by rulers alongside roads. Even though a mango tree can take 4-6 years to bear its first fruit, it can do bear fruits for almost 300 years!
Mango is a tropical fruit and an important ingredient in the coastal cuisines of various countries. At Paisley, we give our mango trees all the love (and nutrition) it needs to grow and thrive!
Although the origin of lime isn’t very clear, it is considered to have originated in the Indonesian archipelago or the Asian mainland. It is most likely that Arabian traders took limes and lemons from India to the eastern Mediterranean countries and Africa.
The fruit of the lime tree is small, ovular, or spherical, small, and more often than not green in color. It is a citric fruit and is very sour in taste, even when it ripens.
Moringa/Shektache Shenga
The health benefits of the Moringa tree haven’t escaped people over centuries. This nutrient-packed multi-purpose tree is native to the Indian subcontinent and has been a part of various Indian cuisines for a very long time. Not only are the leaves edible, but the flowers and even the pods (drumsticks) are widely consumed and loved in India. But that is not all. Since Moringa grows fast, it is a great tree for drought-affected areas. Moreover, the seeds of this magical tree can be used to purify water!
The aesthetics of any coastal region is incomplete without the sight of feathery leaves swaying high up in the air. And coastal cuisines are incomplete with the nutty and creamy fruit of this tree. But the utilities of a coconut tree don’t end with its fruit. Every part of the tree is utilized for something or the other, making it a tree full of life! Fun fact- The workplace and residence of the Vice-president of the Philippines is made almost entirely out of coconut trees!
This highly intimidating-looking plant is one of the fastest-growing plants in the world. Bamboos can grow up to one meter in 24 hours! But these handsome trees aren’t just good-looking. They are strong, durable, and full of medicinal properties. Bamboo shoots, which are a part of several cuisines and are even pickled, are filled with fiber and potassium. If you aren’t impressed yet, Bamboo was the only plant to have survived the atomic radiation during the bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki!
Tamarind derives its name from the Arabic phrase “Tamar Hindi”, which translates to Indian dates. However, Tamarinds are believed to have originated in tropical Africa. The pods of the tamarind tree contain tamarind pulp that is widely used in tropical cuisines around the world. This pulp is high in malic acid, tartaric acid, and potassium bitartrate, making it a great laxative too.
Tamarinds trees can grow up to 59 feet in height and can have a crown height of 12 to 18 meters! These huge trees with cooling foliage and tangy fruits can live up to 200 years.
Bayleaf/Tej Patta
Even though most of us are familiar with the dried Indian bay leaf with three vertical lines running from the stem region to the tip of the leaf, there are five more varieties of bay leaves. In India only two out of these six varieties can be found; the Indian Bay leaf or Tej Patta and the Bay Laurel from Turkey.
Bay Leaves have a very distinct flavor and fragrance that can spice up recipes. The Indian Bay Leaf is also an integral part of the divine Masala Chai.
Custard Apple/Sitaphal
Sitaphal, or Custard Apple, or Sugar Apple is believed to have originated in the Andes mountains of South America. These trees grow the best in tropical regions with high altitudes. The fruits are scaly and green in color. The inside is filled with seeds wrapped in sweet flesh that is rich in antioxidants. Even though this fruit tastes amazingly creamy and sweet as it is if you want to experience it at its best, have a scoop of Sitaphal ice cream!
Saag tree or the Teak tree is indigenous to Southeast Asia, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Burma. The wood of the teak tree is widely used as commercial wood because of its durability, decay resistance, and water resistance. Since it doesn’t rot in water, teakwood is often used to make yachts and boats. It is also used for making furniture as it is resistant to termites and other pests. Older teak trees, aged between 40 to 80 years provide the finest wood.
Banyan/Vadacha zaad
The might Banyan is a rather intriguing tree. This majestic tree from the fig family can live up to 200-300 years! Not only can they live for a very long time, but they can also grow and become massive. In fact, the biggest Banyan tree in the world finds its home in India and covers 4.7 acres and shelters up to 20,000 people!
Native to the Middle East, the word Pomegranate literally means an apple with many seeds and belongs to the family of berries. If you can patiently break open a pomegranate without losing your patience, the red ruby-like seeds are full of health benefits. Pomegranate seeds are full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fibers; all of these with no cholesterol and saturated fats.
Even though pomegranate trees can live for a good 200 years, they can produce fruits only for the first fifteen years of their life.
Did you know that pineapples are in no way related to the apple or the pine family? Pineapples are actually berries. This juicy tropical fruit grows on a small plant with 20-40 stiff succulent leaves. An average pineapple plant can take 15-20 months to bear fruits and can bear only one fruit every season. Pineapples thrive in a warm and humid climate, making countries like Costa Rica, the Philippines, and Brazil the biggest producers of pineapple.
There are over 2000 species of cacti over the world! Most of these are succulents and have thorns or plant hair. Even though we are accustomed to seeing pictures of cacti in hot sandy deserts, cacti can also grow in coastal regions. Cacti do not have many purposes and are mostly cultivated for their beauty. Only a few are cultivated for eating or medicinal purposes. If you ever have a cactus needle prickle you, the easiest way to get it out is either by tweezers (for bigger needles) or duct tape (for smaller needles).
Banana is one of the most famous cherished and valued fruit in the world. Even though it grows only in tropical regions, it is widely consumed and loved by everyone due to its nutritional values and taste. The usefulness of the banana plant goes beyond its fruit. The banana flower, which is a huge dark red flower that hangs upside down from the tree, and the core of the trunk are also edible. Moreover, the leaves of a banana tree are used as serving plates in many regions.
There are around 12-13 identified species of Cherry trees in the world, but only three of them are grown for their fruits; sweet cherry, sour cherry, and a cross between the two. Other varieties are grown for the beautiful pink or white blossoms that grow during the spring months.
Chaafa or Frangipani is a tropical flowering plant. Frangipani trees can be up to 8 feet tall, but are also found in dwarf varieties. Flowers of this tree appear at the end of the branches and can be found in various shades of pink, a combination of white and yellow, and various shades of orange and yellow. The smell of these flowers is very pleasant and can be experienced at their best during the night when the smell is heightened to attract moths that pollinate them.
There are over two thousand species of palm trees and they vary vastly in size, lifespan, and other aspects. Palm has been seen as the tree of life in various ancient cultures and has also appeared in the Bible. Various civilizations over the centuries have cherished and protected palm trees. However, only a few palms bear edible fruits like coconuts and dates. A few palm species can live up to a hundred years and can grow as tall as 70 feet and even more!
Native to north-eastern Brazil, these evergreen plants can grow as tall as 45 feet. The cashew nut grows on the bottom of a fruit, which is called a cashew apple and is also edible. However, cashew apples rot very quickly and can be consumed only close to the harvest site as it is touch-sensitive. It is commercially used for making a variety of alcohol called Feni.
Cashew nuts are high in vitamins and minerals such as magnesium, manganese, zinc, phosphorus, and copper.
Tomatoes were domesticated in Central America around 500 BC. These bright red berries have over 2000 varieties and were even used as table decorations in Italy for their beauty during the 17th and 18th centuries. Today, they are a crucial part of almost all cuisines all over the world. Tomatoes are used for the base of many Indian curries, giving them a mildly sweet and tangy flavour along with a beautiful red colour. But tomatoes are most widely used in sauces and ketchup all over the world.
Chilies belong to the pepper family and are used for their spiciness. Different varieties of chili peppers have different levels of hotness. Peppers are believed to be the first pants to be domesticated and since they mutate very quickly, there are innumerable varieties of peppers that can be found. Interestingly only mammals can feel the hotness of peppers. Birds are completely immune to it, and as a result, spread the growth of wild peppers by eating them and excreting their seeds.
Native to Southeast Asia, eggplants or aubergines are cultivated in warm climates for their edible fruit. Eggplants vary widely in their shapes, size, and even color. Eggplants feature in the classic dishes of several regions; in the Greek moussaka, the Italian eggplant parmigiana, and the Middle Eastern relish baba ghanoush. This vegetable is quite diverse and can be baked, fried, grilled, boiled, and roasted.
Eggplant plants can grow 2-4 feet tall and can start producing fruit as soon as 100 days after planting seeds.
Cabbages belong to the Cruciferae family and are native to China. It is a rather hardy vegetable and can be preserved. This nutritious vegetable is high in dietary fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, potassium, manganese, vitamin A, thiamin, vitamin B6, calcium, and iron. Cabbages grow best in cool and moist places with temperatures between 15-21 degrees celsius. They can be eaten raw in salads, stir-fried, made into curries, or pickled to increase their shelf life.
Ramphal is not a very common fruit and is found in very specific places. This hyper-local fruit is full of nutrients. So if you live in a place where you get these magical fruits, don’t miss out on the chance to eat them!
Ramphal is said to be low in sugar, allowing diabetic patients to consume it too. The high levels of Vitamin C in the fruit helps in healthy hair growth and provide glowing skin.
Bor, Indian jujube, Chinese apple, or Indian palm are small green fruits that grow on thorny evergreen shrubs. These shrubs can grow up to 15m in height, with stipular spines and drooping branches. The origin of this tree is traced back to the Indo-Malaysian region of Southeast Asia but is now grown in various tropical regions like the Middle East and Southern Africa. The fruits can be eaten raw and range from sweet to sour. It is also pickled in many parts of India